Sunday, April 3, 2011

Bringing diaper duty to a whole new level

So, I just read that scientists in Japan are now taking a cue from Huggies and Pampers while trying to stop the ongoing radiation leak as a result of last month's devastating tsunami. Apparently, they are attempting to use the chemical absorbent found in diapers to stave off the leakage since this substance can expand up to 50 times its size when exposed to liquid. (I swear, I am not making this up!)

I don't know if this is ingenious, or disturbing. Maybe a little of both?

My lone child still in diapers uses the Seventh Generation brand, which I can only hope, does not contain the chemical in question. I mean, do we really need poo and pee protection that is strong enough fight a nuclear meltdown? (I can just see the new ads now, if it works!)

Then again, if it does work, what a simple and bizarre solution to such a serious problem. (and while I jest, I SO do not mean to be making light of this situation -- but I'm sure the irony does not escape whoever came up with this admittedly innovative idea).

Who knows...maybe the next time a water main breaks in town, officials will break out the Depends and save the day! 

At least now I know what my leftover stash is good for when we're finally potty trained. I'll be sure to set them aside for errant roof and pipe leaks. I thought I was spending a fortune on diapers but think of all the money I might now save in home repair costs!

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